THE ROBOTIC TALES by Natalie Igharo





Excerpt from ‘The Robotic Tales’




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13 April 2009



206 pages







The story begins in Russia, in 2055. Klikko is a rebel Robot wishing for equal rights for Robots, which quickly escalates into his wish to establish a Robotic state, controlled by him. He manages to raise an army of like-minded Robots and they storm Russia, killing many humans and eventually taking control of the entire country.

News of this is not really acknowledged by the world until simultaneous attacks on America, Spain and China occur, in the form of school shootings by children that had been bullied by their peers and manipulated by Klikko. This leads to the attempted invasion of America, the establishment of an independent state of Kaxland (formerly Florida) and the world beginning to take notice of the threat posed by the Robots.

It is at this point when the group of child spies, the F, begin to form missions to conquer Klikko. Maria Elle and her friends Electra, Mimi Clara, Gabriella, Michael, Jake, Ethan and Katie are sent on missions to lessen the effects of Klikko’s rampage across the world and rescue people from oppression by Klikko. 

The story switches between different people’s experiences in the world’s descent into war and chaos, eventually focussing on the news stories of the carnage caused by Klikko, and the attempts of a group of child spies, known only as the F, to stop him. In the book, there are occasional extracts of another book written by a character in the story further on in the future, after the carnage has ended, which offers more information on subjects that may be new to the reader.